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Old 03-30-2007, 10:55 PM   #60
College Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Chula Vista, CA
I spend waaaay too much money on TPBs every damn Wednesday.

That being said, and having glanced at the collection currently in my bookshelf (not much room left, everything's in the closet or in boxes somewhere), the current books I'm following up on eagerly are:

Conan: Dark Horse published, Kurt Busiek and Cary Nord. I hope these two stay on this run for a long while, and if anyone can find a hardcover copy of Volume 1 of Conan, please let me know!

Runaways: Yeah, I still subscribe on it's second running, though I still collect the TPB hardcovers when I can. Still looking for Volume 2 hardcover, though I'm sure it's a matter of me just waiting for the local shops to get more stock of it.

The Walking Dead: Volume 1 is out on hardcover, and I'm very much tempted to pick it up - if the Borders that I saw it at had one in a far more acceptable condition.

Ultimate X-Men: It's been awhile since I've been reading these, and like the other Ultimate lines, I keep these softcover. Honestly, I haven't read anything past Volume 11, I think, though I continue on this strictly for continuity.

Ultimate Fantastic Four: It's on Volume 7 now, though I can't recall reading past Volume 5. Still collecting it however!

Punisher: Garth Ennis' run, which I think is supposed to switch over from MAX to Marvel Knights. Volume 6, still going strong for me.

Supreme Power: Still collecting this as well, up to Volume 3 for me. There's another edition out there, in hardcover format, something of a precursor I think? Not quite sure, haven't looked into it.

The Ultimates (2): My favorite out of all the Ultimate lines, and I'm extremely pissed off at how Marvel is seriously fucking this up with inconsistent releases.

Cable & Deadpool: Hands down, one of my most favored and treasured series that I've been following up on. Deadpool! Whee! Up to Volume 5 still, and eagerly checking Diamond Comics for upcoming releases!

Annihilation: Snagged up Volume 1 of the hardcover. Eagerly awaiting for Volume 2 (I'm very patient, since I don't collect these issues) as well as seeing what happens to the space-side of things.

Beyond!: Just picked this up in hardcover format (Marvel). Haven't really gotten a chance to dig in yet.

Moon Knight: The Bottom: Marc Specter! Yeeeeah!!

Batman: Under the Hood: Volume 1 and 2, good reads.

Batman: Hush Returns: Had to get some sort of closure over the Batman Hush 2 volume release not too long ago.

Secret Six: Gail Simone's triumphant sequel to Villains United! Woohoo, Catman!

GLA: Misassembled: So they're called the Great Lakes Champions now. Still, when you've got a teammate called 'Squirrel Girl', you simply can't lose! Unless you're the GLC though. Haha! Good, funny stuff.

Ultimate Adventures: One Tin Soldier: A nice spoof of Marvel's version of Batman and Robin, let's face it, Chicago needs more superheroes in the Marvel Universe, no?

Spider Man: The Other (Evolve or Die): Seriously a good book explaining a lot of things about Spider Man during those New Avengers run. Having picked this up at the same time with Powers, it was a good month.

Captain Atom: Armageddon: Took me awhile to figure things out, since I haven't really followed up with the DC universe in awhile. I did snag up the Identity Crisis TPB awhile ago, and went through it, however I hadn't really delved deeply into a single character since picking up Flash: Rogue War near the end of last year.

Overall, I still keep an eye out for any future Seven Soldiers of Victory TPBs, Ex Machina and District X TPBs if I come across another. I still have my collection of The Authority books, but honestly, Grant's writing is boring me with that series.
In a month or two from now, Planet Hulk is coming out - and my buddy has been keeping me up to date with how World War Hulk is going to be an exciting thing to read about this summer.
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