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Old 03-28-2007, 03:20 PM   #361
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by Tyrith View Post
Blade's little dance personally scares the heck out of me -- this is how it goes before he pulls one of those amazing stunts he tries. I don't know. The cronin/blade mess is one of those things I don't really know about -- blade's play is hard to predict, meaning I'd lean towards siding with cronin. I would mostly disregard the cronin case yesterday -- he's made the same argument about villagers in previous games, so it wasn't out of character at all. Neither is what blade is doing...but his tactics are generally much harder for us to cope with as a wolf.

Oh, if you only knew...i expect quite a few people will view my play later this game as a crazy stunt as a wolf. I promise you, these feelings will likely resurface when i try to explain my situation later. I dont intend to now, but i will be stunned if most people believe my story later in the game
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