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Old 06-01-2003, 06:56 PM   #24
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
July 12, 2002

Radio show intro music dies away...

Announcer Tommy Ridgely: Well, welcome again, footy fans to our weekly addition of Popping Off, where we bring you all the news, highlights, rumors and interviews about your favorite local side, the Kettering Town Poppies.

Today, we have a special treat for you. Yes, indeed, as advertisaed, we have none other than the up until now evasive new manager of the club, Mr. Matthew Kieta, sitting right here to let us in on what has been happening with the team.

We'll get to Mr. Kieta in a second. First I wanted to remind folks to tune in right here for Monday's season-opening friendly against the Cherries of Bournemouth! It's always nice to start off the season by Popping a Cherry!...Okay, maybe that went to producer is giving me the evil eye, although Mr. Kieta seems to enjoy it.

Back to the game. It's at 7:30 folks, this coming Monday, July 15, and while it is at ther Rock, I know plenty of you will be tuning in from work or from the stand itself, so be sure to check in here to listen to the Poppies' return to the pinnacle of semipro footy after a year away beating up ont he dregs of the Southern League.

Now let's return to the matter at hand. Mr. Kieta, welcome to Popping Off.

Kieta: Thank you, Tommy. Please call me Matt. I have been looking forward to the opportunity of letting the fans know how things are going with the Poppies.

Ridgely: Indeed, sir. And how are they going?

Kieta: They are well. The guys are working hard to get ready for the season. We still have a lot of preseason to go, though, and I am looking forward to seeing how they play together in a live match.

Ridgely: Matt, you're just 30 and up until now, you have been dealing with American kids in their teens. What's it like now having to handle the personalities of a group of grown men, a few of whom are older than you? I mean, your keeper is 36!

Kieta: I will admit, it is a learning experience. But perhaps not as much as you would think. Back Stateside, I always made an effort to treat the kids with utter respect and as adults. I expected them to act like adults, and they expected me to treat them as such. I find that approach works just as well here, with the difference being that for much of the squad, there is no doubt these are grown men. I expect a certain standard of professionalism, and I am happy to say that the team, to a man, has been very open to what I am trying to do, and have been working quite hard.

Ridgely: No complaints at all about any of the individuals on the team?

Kieta: (laughs) Well, as with any group of individuals, there are varying levels of efforts from different players. And it varies as time goes by as well. But, no, I don't have any complaints at all about this group. They have been very consistent, and I am quite proud of the progress they have made.

Ridgely: Will the side be ready for Monday's match in Bournemouth?

Kieta: They will be as ready as any squad at this point. Most of them aren't ready to play a full 90 yet, so we will likely throw most of the men out on the pitch at some point. We have five more friendlies after that, so I need to keep the guys as rested as I can.

Ridgely: How have you been getting along with everyone?

Kieta: Very well. As I said before, the players all know what I am trying to do, and we are all working toward the same goal. We want to make this team competiive in the Nationwide this year. I don't plan on living ont he edge of relegation all season.

Ridgely: Is that a prediction?

Kieta: (laughs) I thought you might say that. No, it's just a goal. Do I think the team can do it? I think so. We have some good players on this squad. If we can get them to buy into the system, then I think we can make something happen.

Ridgely: Ah, the system. Last year, Mr. Shutt used a wide-open attacking plan to dominate the Southern League, partly, of course, because he was one of those attackers. Will that work at the Conference level? Or do you have another plan?

Kieta: I have a lot of respect for what Carl did with this side last year, and on some levels, that attacking style will work. I admire it myself and would love to have a team that could use it at a high level like the Nationwide. But I just don't think we have the horses up front just yet to make it work. This team has a strong defensive backbone, and that is what I am basing my system on.

Ridgely: So you'll be playing "boring" ball then?

Kieta: I would hardly say that. It's just more realistic. We aren't deep up front, and we can't afford to tire the shooters out. Defense is a team effort, and even the guys up front are a part of that effort.

Ridgely: So what exactly is the system you will be using?

Kieta: We're going to throw a lot of men in the backfield. A standard 4-4-2, maybe a 4-5-1, with some variations, to start. We'll do a lot of closing down in our own end, and we may employ a counter attack. On offense, we'll use all ends of the pitch to advance the ball, but in the end, we'll rely on the quickness of our front people to give us an advantage in front of the box. If I can acquire some more depth at forward and int he midfield, we might be able to expand to some more offensive formations somewhere down the fixture a bit.

Ridgely: So you are looking for help? The lack of rumors from outside the Rock has been a constant source of discussion among my callers.

Kieta: Oh, yes, of course, we are always looking for that key addition. Not to say that we aren't satisfied with the team in place, but like any side, we have our weaknesses, and I don't know if we can adequately fill those weaknesses from within right now.

Ridgely: Anyone in particular? Any areas?

Kieta: Depth up front and in the midfield. Maybe some taller players and some quick wingers. And we need a lot of depth on a reserve and youth teams as well.

Ridgely: So Peter Mallinger has released the purse strings a bit?

Kieta: Well, I haven't tested the limits of Mr. Mallinger's openess on this subject just yet. He has assured me that if a move needs to and can be made to improve this side with a little extra cash, then he will give it high consideration. I have the highest confidence that the success of this club is his most earnestly-desired interest.

Ridgely: Hmm. So, if you go with the 4-4-2, who starts? Who are the leaders on this squad?

Kieta: There are plenty of standout players here. Ian Bowling is a certain starter in the net, and it's nice to have a veteran keeper like that to serve as the backbone of the defense. I will be relying on him a lot, I think, and he has been very upfront in helping me with that.

Ridgely: And in front of them? Will Howarth start in the center again?

Kieta: Oh, yes, Lee will be a key part of our centre backfield. He is another tough veteran defender, and I truly believe it will take a strong offensive team to beat both him and Bowling when they are on their games. I am also particularly excited about young Danny Holyoak, brought over here from Mansfield. He's just 18, but he can already play a strong backline in the Nationwide.

Ridgely: Word is Wayne Diuk has had some run-ins the past with Mallinger. Where does he fit in to the picture?

Kieta: Well, what's past is past and that does not concern me. Mr. Mallinger, per our agreement prior to my hiring, has been very hands off, and has not given me any instructions beyond the very basics for how to run my side. He has made no comment on Wayne whatsoever, to my knowledge. As for Wayne himself, he has been a model citizen, and will remain a key part of the Poppies' defensive midfield.

Ridgely: Speaking of the midfield, I am thinking that beyond Shaun Murray, we have a lot of questions there. How do you see the midfield coming together?

Kieta: This is going to be a much more direct team in terms of moving the ball. There will be a lot of short passing and quick moves, because I don't quite feel we have the strength up front yet to runa consistent air game in front of the opposition's net. So I am placing a premium on guys who can move and who can pass. And we have some solid options there.

Ridgley: Anyone in particular?

Kieta: Well, for one, Murray is probably our best offensive player, and I plan to utilize him as much as possible. But he will be closer to the net, where we can use his on-ball skills and his nose for the goal. The theme at midfield seems to be Irish. We have brought back Niall Inman, who will likely start on one wing. He was on that last Kettering nationwide team, you know, but he stayed up here with Dover, while the Poppies were in the Southern league. I suspect there will be some resentment from the fans about his decision to stay up here, but Niall will win them over with his play. Davy Williamson is probably our lead man in the center.

Ridgley: You're playing a 4-4-2. Ther ehave to be others, of course.

Kieta: Well, of course. But it's early yet. I am waiting for the match play to see who steps up. The intriguing wildcard in this rotation is Scott Goodwin. We brought him over from Hereford, and it looks like he can play a key role for us. He's a natural left fullback, but I think he can play a little wing as well. I have little doubt he'll be in the lineup. I just haven't decided where yet.

Ridgely: So Murray is up front?

Kieta: Oh, yes, and he will be playing a very important part. He will be the bridge to the box. Murray is such a talented player, that we will be relying on his many skills a lot on the pitch. He can pass and shoot. He's smart. he's veteran, but still relatively young at just 31. He can bring it up, and he can keep it up, too. So he'll be playing somewhat of an attacking midfield spot.

Ridgely: Will Itonga man the other spot? The fans have been very excited about the Arsenal import from Africa.

Kieta: And they should be. Carlin is a natural goalscorer, and he learned well playing for the reserves for Arsenal last year. And kudos to their scouts for picking him up out of the Congo as well. He just knows how to put the ball in the net. He and Murray will be working together a lot.

Ridgely: Quite exciting. I'm looking forward to it already. Well, I fear we have run up to the end of the program. Mr. Kieta--Matt--thank you for stopping by and letting us know what's going on with the Poppies.

Kieta: Thank you for having me. I do hope the fans will come out in force and be that twelfth man we need in the terraces on Monday. Even in a friendly, it's always fun to have a packed stadium.

Ridgely: Well, we'll be there for sure. Good luck to you then, and we'll see you on Monday.

Kieta: Thank you, Tommy. And good day.

Ridgely: Thank you, fans, for listening to another edition of Popping Off with your host, Tommy Ridgely. Be sure to tune in again to Monday's friendly with the Cherries of Bournemouth, visiting our little humble abode of Kettering at the Rock at 7:30. Come see the Poppies return to the highest level of semipro football. And listen to us on your handsets. It will be fun for all

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.

Last edited by Chief Rum : 06-01-2003 at 07:09 PM.
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