Thread: OOTP 2007
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Old 03-02-2007, 03:36 PM   #295
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 View Post
My plans for this weekend just changed quite a bit. I've got a preview version, and I plan on running a long career tonight and throughout the weekend and to a lesser extent on Monday and Tuesday. I'm mainly going to be scouring the transaction wire for weird signings and releases. I'm also going to look at patterns of career arcs/retirement ages, etc. I'm also going to try to push the trade AI as well. I'm going to be going strictly from current day forward for at least the first few tests. SI has said (in a funny) email that there are no limits to what I post on here (or wherever) and they only ask that I post any significant issues on their forum as well. So, if there are other things that people want me to look at, let me know. I'll be posting my results in a mini-dynasty in the dynasty forum, just so I don't clutter up this or other threads (but I'll probably highlight things in here.)

If you're going forward from current day- can you check one thing for me specifically: I was convinced last year that the sim engine in regards to triples was broken- we were told that speed plus gap power would play a large role in the number of triples a player would hit. Makes sense....Except that current day king of triples Joes Reyes never finsished with more than 9 in any season I simmed- and often times would end up with 4 or 5- with seemingly no way to correct it; he was already maxed out for speed and gap power.

All the while guys like Lance Berkman and Aubrey Huff were often times leading the league in triples for no apparent reason. Maybe it was the roster set (CubbyFan) that I was using- but this was irritating to me (mildly- admittedly given OOTP 2006's other issues)- but it seems to me to speak about how well the game/simulation engine works. Thanks!
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