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Old 02-27-2007, 12:36 PM   #445
This guy has posted so much, his fingers are about to fall off.
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: In Absentia
Some interesting news from MJ, again. No spoilers, just news:

Tonight, the boys are back. After the girls threw down the gauntlet last Wednesday, we’ll see if the guys are up to the challenge. In the meantime, I’ve got some Season 6 contestant news. Just for you.
Lucky me. A couple of weeks ago, a band member from Chris Sligh’s band Half Past Forever sent me a promo copy of their new album “Take a Chance on Something Beautiful” The album will be available for download tomorrow at Chris Sligh The CD is currently available for pre-order at Amazon, and will be released March 8. You can watch the band’s video for “Know” (my favorite tune on the CD) here.
I’ll be posting a review of the CD very soon. But, I will say this–if infectious, hook-laden guitar-driven pop/rock is your thing, definitely check the CD out. And Chris’s lead vocals are outstanding. So yeah, more on the new CD later.
It looks like Antonella Barba will remain a contestant on American Idol, despite the series of racy pics that appeared on the internet this past week. I would say, no news from TPTB is good news. Here’s what Antonella’s friend Amanda Coluccio had to say about the pictures:
Barba’s best friend, Amanda Coluccio of Holmdel, with whom she auditioned and won a trip to Hollywood for the second round before being eliminated, told The Star-Ledger of Newark that the less graphic photos are of Barba, but denied she is pictured in the pornographic ones.
“The really bad ones aren’t her. I’ve studied them,” Coluccio told The Star-Ledger for Monday’s newspapers. “It’s not her nose. She’s never had (acrylic nail) tips (like the woman in the photo) in her life. She’s the least slutty person I know.”
Eliminated Top 40 contestant Matthew Buckstein devised a clever plan to extend his 15 minutes of fame, and perhaps jump start his career. He called his scheme “The Lost Idol”–competing along with the rest of the Top 24 from a karaoke bar in Denver. But, surprise, surprise! The bar that was hosting Matt’s performances got a phone call and a “Cease and Desist” letter from the legal folks at Idol. You can read about Matthew’s saga at Reality TV Magazine:
I won’t go into it too deep because that would be a violation of agreements I’ve made with them. Basically they fear that what I am doing is too closely related to their show and that I might be stealing their intellectual property.
It was never my intention to do them harm; in fact, quite the contrary. I want to promote the show. I want people to watch it.
I hear you my brothah! Those legal peeps wouldn’t happen to be from this firm would they? *whistles and walks away* Just askin’!
Matthew will continue with the “Lost Idol” concept, but will have to lose the name “Idol”.
The concept of what I’m doing will remain the same. However, I claim no present or future connection with AI…I’m currently deciding between “The Lost Country Singer” and “The Lost Icon”…I’ll still put up performance videos on Tuesday nights and I’ll still allow people to show their support through comments on my myspace page and by clicking a vote counter. I’ll still have a results show in the days that follow my performance video.
Good Luck Matthew! Don’t let the 800 pound gorilla get you down…
For more about Matthew’s quest as the “Lost Idol” check out his My Space.
Lastly, check out some pre-Idol music by Top 24 contestant’s Brandon Rogers here and Blake Lewis here. Those boys can sang, peeps.
M's pitcher Miguel Batista: "Now, I feel like I've had everything. I've talked pitching with Sandy Koufax, had Kenny G play for me. Maybe if I could have an interview with God, then I'd be served. I'd be complete."
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