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Old 02-27-2007, 10:35 AM   #301
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
My thoughts.

IIRC I can't directly quote the PM so I'll just say this: Blade stopped me on the street as I was out for a walk. He had noticed something about a particular item of mine. He checked it out, did me no harm, and went on his way as I went on mine.

That being said...I wouldn't feel comfortable clearing him 100% as good at this point, because he could be looking for a mechanism to build a CoT, or looking for possible converts to his side. But I can say that he definitely did me no harm and I left in possession of everything that I had when I first met him. This makes me inclined to think that he's good/neutral and I would assume that he feels the same about me from what he posted.

If people want to elect ME judge...that's fine. I'm flattered to be considered and I would serve to the best of my abilities if offered the job.
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