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Old 02-22-2007, 05:40 AM   #367
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Surfside Beach,SC USA
Thank God for the girls. In general agreement with Jim's ratings, though I think you could make any order out of the top 7 and be justified. Well except for Leslie Hunt. I did like her actually and was surprised the judges were so harsh with her. But she was a step below the top 6 I think.

And I agree with the Haley comments. My first comment when I saw her was, "wow, she's a pretty girl". I'm surprised they didn't highlight her more in the audition/Hollywood shows. I like her sticking to her guns about the type of songs she likes to sing. She's definitely aiming for that Celine Dion type of singing, but just doesn't have the confidence to pull it off right now.

Bottom 2 for me were Antonella and Alaina. I expected a lot better from Antonella, but she was probably the worst overall of the 24. I've never liked Alaina and couldn't believe they put her in the top 24 when I heard her singing during that selection show. Sadly I likely won't get my wish here and someone(s) more deserving like Amy or Haley will get the boot.
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