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Old 02-21-2007, 02:33 PM   #1
Maple Leafs
Join Date: Jan 2002
OT: The FOFC Music Draft

Hell yeah!

Welcome to the FOFC Music Draft.

How to play:
If you want to play, PM me. If there's a lot of interest, I'll randomly select ten players. By "randomly" I mean that after a day or so, I'll "randomly" pick whichever ten people I want.

The draft will be conducted via the forum, in this thread. When it's your turn to draft, you post, ideally with a brief note about the reason for your choice. If you won't be around, you PM someone else your picks in advance to keep things moving. You will agree to this, and then not do it. This will slow up the draft and annoy everyone. You won't care, you selfish prick.

The draft is a serpentine draft -- that the order reverses each round. Draft order will be determined before we start.

You will be drafting songs from popular music. This includes rock, pop, country, rap, etc. It does not include classical music, national anthems, ring tones, or anything else. Don't get tricky.

How to win:
The fun here comes more from the draft itself than from actually winning, but just in case it matters: Once the draft is done, we'll hold a vote and let FOFC choose the winner. FOFC will pick someone shitty. They always do.

The rosters
You will draft a "team" of ten songs. The idea is to assemble the best possible roster, using your awesome knowledge of music as well as your crafty drafting skills. Trades are allowed, as long as they don't slow down the action (the idea is to keep things moving as quickly as possible).

Your team will consist of ten songs, at the following positions:

- The Classic. This song has stood the test of time.
- The Epic. This is a sprawling masterpiece that makes you reach for your lighter.
- The Arena Rocker. The kind of song that kicks the most ass when performed in front of 20,000 or so drunk people.
- The Trendsetter. A song that helped shaped the music to come after it. Tread carefully -- go too obscure and the voters will punish you.
- The Love Song. Self-explanatory.
- The One-Hit Wonder. Admit it, most of them are good. Oh yes they are!
- The Party Song. A song that celebrates sex, drugs, booze, or some combination.
- The Crossover Hit. This is a song that mixes and matches musical genres.
- The Cover. A song that covers something that came before (not the original)
- The Anti-Establishment Song. The best music is the kind that gives the big F.U. to authority.

Obviously many songs will fit into multiple categories. Finding the right spot for each pick is part of the strategy. Once you've drafted a song, you can't re-assign it later.

Additional rules thrown in to make it needlessly complicated

- No artist can be used more than once. Once somebody has chosen a song from a singer/band, all their work is off the board.

We will be pretty general here. A singer and his/her band are the same artist (Bruce Springsteen is the same as Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band). A band is the same band even if some members change (Genesis with Peter Gabriel is the same as Genesis with Phil Collins). An artist can appear multiple times only if they were in separate and distinct bands (The Beatles and Wings are separate artists).

The only exception will be songs that are done by a collection of different artists. "We are the world" does not wipe half the artists from the 80s off the board.

When in doubt, check with the commish (that's me, genius) before you pick.

- No song can be chosen more than once, even if it was done by multiple artists. (This applies to songs in the Cover category too.)

- At least two of your songs must be sung by a female

A few notes:
The draft is open to everyone -- observers are welcome. Discussion of picks is encouraged.

In general, it's considered very poor form to suggest picks during the draft -- the equivalent of being the guy who doesn't play poker but sits at the rail and shouts out to get attention. However, it will happen. If you're the sort of person who thinks you'd be really, really bothered by this, do yourself a favor and don't play.

A final note:
If the idea of doing a just-for-fun draft strikes as you as stupid and/or pathetic, but you're the type of person who likes to post about text sims on an internet forum... well, you may want to give this a miss until your sense of irony develops a little more.

If you want to play, PM me now. If I have enough entries by tomorrow, the draft will start then. In your PM, you must include your top three picks so that if you forget to check back we don't all have to wait for you (although your picks won't be used unless there's a delay).
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