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Old 02-14-2007, 10:27 AM   #142
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
Sorry, I'm probably late to the conversation....

Originally Posted by RedKingGold View Post
Also, (with you being the exception), I get a laugh out of all the people who say, "Freeney's sack total was down because of the Colt's horrible run defense and the team ran against them all the time." Isn't Freeney part of the Colt's horrible run defense? I sincerely doubt you can seperate the two.

I tend to think that Freeney's sack total wasn't down this year so much as it was inflated in years past. One thing the Colts really did differently this year was run more of a ball-control offense, perhaps to give their defense a bit of a break compared to years past, when they'd score in 2 minutes and hand it back to the defense.

In years past, the Colts would typically build up a big lead and other teams would chase. In this scenario, the Colts' pass rushers could tee off on the opposition's QB, and that's exactly what they did. Not as many opportunities this year.

Anyway, I don't know if that theory's borne out by the evidence, but it's the way I see it.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
If I were a fan of any team but the Colts and Patriots I'd be thrilled to have David Carr.

Even the Saints (Brees' non-throwing elbow notwithstanding)?
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