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Old 02-07-2007, 07:58 AM   #212
Raiders Army
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Black Hole
Originally Posted by JeeberD View Post
For those of you who watched last night's show, don't expect to see Akron, the dude who was there with his cousin and bored Simon, in Hollywood even though he got a golden ticket.

There was a piece on him on the Dallas news last week. Apparently AI flew a crew out to his house after the audition and they stayed there for a week so that they could do a feature segment on him, but two days before he was supposed to fly to Hollywood he got a call from the AI producers telling him that he wasn't welcome anymore. AI says they don't discuss reasons why invitations are revoked, but Akron apparently has a misdemenor marijuana charge on his record, and he's convinced that has something to do with it despite the fact he told the producers about it at his audition.

He even has a MySpace set up to try and get himself back on the show (little good it's going to do)...

That sucks if true. It'd be pretty hard to prove that you told producers about the marijuana charge.

Randy needed to button his shirt up last night too. He does not have the goods to leave his shirt 3/4 unbuttoned.
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