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Old 01-18-2007, 10:00 AM   #95
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2001
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
But some of these people appear not to understand what the hell is going on, or are so anti-social and bizarre that they can't possibly see that they're the joke. That Zitsman guy said his co-workers encouraged him to come, and the first thing I thought was, "I'm sure they did, so you'd unwittingly make an ass out of yourself and they could crucify you like 5th graders for years to come. Before you chop them all to pieces, boil their intestines, and drink their blood." Either that guy was a great actor and played his part so he could be on TV knowing full-well that he was making an ass of himself, or he was so clueless that it bordered on cruel to keep it going. Just in his interactions with Ryan you could see how socially inept and uncomfortable he was. It started to get painful to watch.

So what. I think when you make the decision, in whatever form you make it, that you are auditioning for the show AMERICAN IDOL that you open yourself up for ridicule. Same with any other endeavor so ill suited to the individual. You think if he went to a club on the urging of his coworkers and cut the rug the result would be differnet?

It's not the job of the judges or producers to psycoanalyze people. He'd be laughed out of a non filmed broadway audition as well.

Now you can question the wisdom of airing the footage but I'd submit that the popularity of Idol has been built on this concept of making fun of people and without that element it's not the hit it is. People love watching train wrecks, right or wrong. Face it, without Simon the show would be a bore for many people.
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