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Old 01-18-2007, 09:41 AM   #89
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2001
They intentially took it easy on the fat kid since he obviously was "slow" or at least not all there. Monkey Boy deserved what he got I thought. And he didn't call him a monkey. Bush baby I think was the term.

I found myself wondering how fat kid got there. Tell me he doesn't drive and if not who is dropping him off? Did he take the bus? Walk? Fascinating.

Mom and daughter deserved it too. Give me a break.

I will say though that last night was not as funny as the first night. I think the type of auditions they show have a short shelf life and while initial they get big yucks long term you'd grow weary of a steady parade of freaks. I'd guess you'll start seeing some different auditions in the coming weeks.
"Don't you have homes?" -- Judge Smales
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