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Old 01-17-2007, 02:06 PM   #77
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2001
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
For people like me, the entertainment is in the show itself, and really has nothing to do with the winners. In fact, as the show goes on, the show is less entertaining, to the point where the finale is not even worth watching (although this year they're at least throwing a curve by having a song-writing contest for the winning single). It's the journey from faceless thousands of unknowns to the chosen few and watching them develop and change over the 4 or 5 months the show is on.

I simply find the process of it all very entertaining as a TV show. But that has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the contestants, since I have never seen an AI contestant who I think is talented enough (or who plays to my musical tastes) that I would consider buying their CD.

Jennifer Hudson was 2 years ago. The year Fantasia won, I think she got knocked out as the #5 contestant.

It's a brilliant idea though to base the winner on audience votes. You get yourself a built in audience in the short term for the winner.

As far as the show, it's way too long which ruins the later rounds for me. There's only so many times I can get pumped and jacked to hear the same people sing.

It works so what do I know but after a couple weeks into the final 10 or so I've seen enough and will casually follow who is left but rarely watch the actual show.
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