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Old 01-17-2007, 11:17 AM   #63
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
I can't tell you how many times I've seen people that have never been told they are horrible. It is often a combination of people around them having no idea what actual good singing sounds like and/or hearing what they want to hear. It is so sad to see someone who has gone a long way only to have that facade ripped away so harshly.

I have a niece whose early life was affected this way. My sister kept calling me when her daughter was in elementary school telling me that Star Search was beating down her door to get my niece on the show. I was told she can sing like I wouldn't believe. Well, there is kind of a hit and miss musical talent thing in my family so I thought ok, I need to hear this. I was invited to hear her at a local talent contest/audition type of program. Needless to say, yikes. Nobody had ever told her she couldn't sing, so there she was on stage, and the audience was clutching their armrests until it was over.

I have no problem believing that these people have been convinced by others around them they are good.
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