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Old 01-16-2007, 09:04 AM   #20
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
This will be a few weeks where I watch it if my TiVO catches it, but if something is higher priority, i don't care..

Up until last season I only watched for the joke people, then stopped watching.. last season I kept on through the whole season and imagine the joke people will drive me crazy.. as it is such a large majority of them are obviously just looking to get on tv... the fun ones are the ones you can tell actually think they're good, but there are less and less of them..

it is fun to pick out people early, buty it seemed to me last season that a lot of the finalists you didn't see or barely saw early on..
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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