Thread: OOTP 2007?
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Old 01-13-2007, 08:25 AM   #33
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Markus Heinsohn View Post
How about that funny league in Japan, I remember players from there now being impact players in the MLB, or am I wrong? From a coding standpoint it makes no sense to allow foreign leagues in baseball countries (Japan, US, DR, South Korea, Taiwan, Cuba etc), but disallow leagues in Pakistan. Heck, I bet there are people in the US coming from Pakistan who like baseball and actually enjoy setting up a pakistani league.

Having lived in Japan and Korea for 10 ten years I enjoyed the leagues over there. And I will agree there is ALOT of great baseball played outside of the US. But, what I meant as others have said is if alot time is being spent to balance leagues in Africa than that is probably taking time from balancing more important aspects. And really was this a DB redesign really or just integrating SI's soccer interface into your baseball game? So, I guess we can agree to disagree on this one.
Anyways, good luck and looking forward to trying the demo when it comes. out.
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