Thread: OOTP 2007?
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Old 01-13-2007, 08:04 AM   #31
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Markus Heinsohn View Post
OOTP 2006 is considered by some to be a step backwards, and since it did lack some features of 6.5 and was different in certain areas (mainly the interface) I understand that opinion. What I do not get however is that people complained about what they called 'world focus'. You don't have to have foreign leagues, a couple of clicks generated a standard MLB-type league with a minor league system that is far more realistic than any other game out there. OOTP 2006 was a neccessary re-write that opened all sorts of doors for the feature.

Anyway, OOTP 2007 has been in development since the summer, and is already in beta testing. That means, we have already finalised the features list and almost all new features are already implemented and working very well.

We are focusing on the following areas:
- Improve AI and make sure existing features work as advertised
- Bring back 'missing' features (i.e. ghost players, stars, weather etc)
- Greatly enhance the fun & immersion factor
- Bring historical simming to a whole new level
- Improve online league play (both for the commish & the user)
- Improve the interface & usability
- Add new features that knock your socks off

We will start releasing more info soon. And this year we will have a release date that is, well, earlier. Much earlier than last year. I'm pretty sure we'll be the first company to release their baseball sim this year. And it will be an excellent one.


Great to here the game has been in beta for awhile. I also, think people were hoping for legacy issues that existed in past versions fixed as opposed to adding new features or in this case restructuring the DB design. I Still don't see the utility of being able to create a baseball league in Pakistan since when did they have any baseball league. It just feels overblown.IMHO.
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