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Old 01-08-2007, 02:32 PM   #155
High School Varsity
Join Date: Apr 2005
May 7, 1946:Dissent in the Empire

“We are in this to make money; I’m bringing a f-----g bag of gold to your feet,” MacPhail was filled with the passion of certain profit. “How many tickets are sold for the Army-Notre Dame game at Yankee Stadium this year? 70,000? 75,000? Imagine all that money going into our pocket and not having to share it.”

Del Webb harrumphed, “I’ve got businesses to run. You sir are wasting my time with this nonsense.” He motioned to Dan Topping to get his coat and hat too. But Topping didn’t move. The standing partner’s shoulders slumped down; as Topping remained sitting, “Don’t tell me you’re interested in this?”

Topping stirred his coffee. “The NFL was never the strongest league to begin with,” he began.

“Strong enough to push every other challenger out of business,” Webb interjected. “I’ve got enough money tied up with this venture to put anything into a football team.” Webb had become more and more uncomfortable with the amount of influence MacPhail had with the organization. Early in the partnership, Webb could count on Dan Topping to help keep the madman in check but he was letting the ever-mounting win total to cloud his judgment. Principles, Del felt, should not be at odds with victory.

This was not a viewpoint held by Topping. The reason MacPhail was taken on as a partner was his knowledge of baseball and sports business. The broadcast network, the huge signings, and all the other items they had battled over were proving Larry right on almost every point. MacPhail had promised millions, and Dan Topping was not a man to turn down any amount of money.

Larry MacPhail’s smugness filled the room; “We don’t need your money Del, if you are not interested. Just need your ok to use the Stadium and the name Yankees for the club.” The idea of he and Webb not working together pleased Larry to no end.

Webb sat back down, still holding coat and hat. “I might as well hear more; if I’m going to risk this ball club’s good name on a fly by night football league.”

“Arch Ward from Chicago is putting it all together. Jim Crowley, the Jim Crowley, has agreed to be the commissioner, I tell you, the All-American Conference will be first class all the way.” Larry MacPhail was in full snake oil mode each reveal more spectacular than the last. A group wants a team in Brooklyn! Don Ameche was putting movie money into LA! Gene Tunney wanted a team for Baltimore! Did I mention Eleanor Gehrig wanted to be involved?! At the end, his head glistened, almost twinkled, from the sweat on his brow. Steadily pouring yet another drink as the talking never stopped. “Best of all; there is no conflict for any of the ownership groups or stadiums with the NAL.”

The laughs and statements of approval from Topping reminded Webb of when the three of them banded together to buy the Yankees. He felt a creeping sick in his gut.

“Gentlemen,” Topping stood hoisting a whiskey high, “to the New York Football Yankees!”
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