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Old 12-06-2006, 09:59 PM   #460
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Desnudo View Post
Another big thing they need to look at is the breakaway conversion rate. My strikers, all with good composure are probably converting 1-2 out of every 10 clear 1v1s. If you want to keep the score low, fine, but don't show so many breakaways then.

This has been around since the very beginning. If I remember rightly, in CM1 pretty much every chance was a breakaway and you would get your player rounding the keeper at least twice every game and 75% of the time he would score, but it sucked when he missed Oh, and it seemed like at least 1 goal would be disallowed every game when you needed it least... good times.

Anyway, I thought it was much better this year than the last couple, but it could probably still use some working on. You still don't see too many kind of situations where there are passes worked together around the edge of the area and then a shot from 18 yards, but then I have been playing direct style and with crappy teams so maybe that has something to do with it. Overall I think the 2D is definitely going in the right direction.
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