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Old 05-16-2003, 10:40 AM   #67
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Week 6 Training Results

Another one of our defensive trainees improved this week, Spaniard Zarpas Lerma.

Zarpas Lerma

Jersey #21

19 years old, poor (3) form, healthy.

A pleasant guy who is balanced and upright.
Has disastrous (1) experience and passable (6) leadership abilities.

Specialty: Head

Nationality: Spanish
Assessed Value: $49,000
Wage: $888 per week

Stamina: Inadequate (5)
Playmaking: Weak (4)
Winger: Inadequate (5)
Scoring: Poor (3)
Goaltending: Disastrous (1)
Passing: Disastrous (1)
Defending: Solid (7)
Set Pieces: Wretched (2)

The young Spaniard is another of our defender/wingback trainees, and is the last one to reach at least a solid rating in defense. While he does appear to have some potential, his form has been suffering all season long. Mattias Leier and Christian Kvam are better alternatives for us on the back line, so Zarpas will likely find himself on the transfer market when our current training program comes to a conclusion (probably at the end of next season).

Form Changes

6 players increased in form this week (including 2 starters).
10 players saw their form remain the same.
7 players dropped in form this week (including 4 starters).

Apparently the transition for our new striker, Guido Metman, has been a difficult one, because he has dropped two levels in form (to inadequate) since arriving in the states. We aren’t too concerned about this, however, as it is most likely just a temporary setback while he gets used to a new system. We also have two weeks of easy matches for Guido to get accustomed to things. We will be keeping a close eye on him.

In The Zone

Wingback Arlen Lucas continues to play out of his head on the back line, and is the one Seaman in excellent (8) form this week.

Form Dogs

Any hopes of team captain Johannes Henriksson coming out of his slump were quickly dashed in practice this week. The struggling Swede has dropped to poor (3) form this week (the worst it has been since he joined SSFC). The addition of Guido Metman means that Johannes will likely be relegated to FOFC Cup duties until he gets his act together.

Joining Johannes as this week’s form dogs are defensive trainees Cameron McDonald and Zarpas Lerma, both also in poor (3) form.


Average Player Value: $138,304 (+$11,577)
Total Player Value (23 players): $3,181,000 (+$393,000)

These numbers are skewed, naturally, due to the recent addition of Guido Metman.

Assessed Value Milestones

-Arlen Lucas ($301,000)

Up Next: This week’s youth squad product and financial update. Stay tuned!
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