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Old 11-09-2006, 07:30 AM   #1831
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Hartford
Originally Posted by Markus Heinsohn View Post
A) You get ratings automatically, your head scout scouts your organization once a month, your minor league scouts do the same for their minor league team.
E) Huh? You can drag & drop players around in the different team transaction screens!
H) Apart from the player career stats (which I have fixed yesterday ) not being seperated by Majors/minors, what else is terrible?

A. Yes, but if I want something more accurate I've got to click through a bunch of menus. Also the way that they favor what they like to favor and not how I want to weigh the ratings in their overall ratings is crazy. Every players has one scout telling me 80/80 and 3 telling me 26/80 or the other way around.

I must just be remembering E incorrectly.

H. Take the team summary for example. Here is B-R.

The starters are on the top. Then it decreases by playing time. VORP is an odd way to sort the players, alphabetically would make more sense then that even. Fielding is divided by position, in a way that you can actually find something other then just a jumble of players with defensive numbers.

The minor league stats have to be separated from the major league stats. Also, the entire name of the city would be helpful instead of the alphabet soup of 5 levels of minor leagues - the space taken up by the border in the player card would be better used to say 'Providence - AAA' rather then 'PRV-AAA'. The SISA ratings going on the player cards are worthless if you are using scouting - it's always good to have an idea of what you really think the players ratings are as you scroll through the league's history.

The player history NEEDS to be split into categories. Transactions, injuries, ratings, awards at the very least. Then that information might actually be useful - trying to pick out how often a player gets injured 10 years into a career is hard work right now.

In the registers the Z-A sort is odd.

You are right though the rest of the almanac if first class - I give you major credit for that. Some tweaks to the player card and it will be an amazing feature.

My biggest complaints are:

The amount of work going into making a trade makes it very difficult to implement a house rule around my payroll. Sounds like this might get better in the next version.

The single player AI hasn't kept me from winning 120 games after 2 or 3 seasons without me really doing anything in game. This might be better now, hopefully even better then that in 2007.

Scouting could be implemented well, I don't think I'll ever agree with SI or some on the board on this one, but at least I can turn it off.

The constant need to keep the minor league teams stocked is a killer. Sounds like this is an option in 2007 - is it just historical though, or is it going to be fictional as well?

I wouldn't say I like the interface, but if the 4 things above worked in my mind, I wouldn't let it stand in my way of being a proponent of the game.
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