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Old 10-21-2006, 01:27 AM   #74
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by Ajaxab View Post
Sack, how did you label your level of experience at the beginning? Could they be leaving knowing that they're going to a club who has an established manager instead of a complete rookie at the helm? Of course if you created yourself as a player with a lot of experience from the outset, this is a moot point.

Random, although from the initial response of my supporters, it's likely I was 'randomly' assigned the rookie level. Still, I would expect that if that's influencing them to leave, that SI would have chosen that as a media response possibility, rather than 'base pay is unacceptable,' considering they've very nearly all taken the same amount to go to another team that I was offering them to stay.

'Ceptin' the last guy who left, Nigel Pearson; he took a 3x pay raise. I put out an advert for his replacement, and the Youth Coach for Man United said "ooh, ooh, me!" That surprised me a little.

Of course, he wants a raise from the $300k'ish that United are paying him to something closer to $900k to work for West Brom.
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