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Old 10-15-2006, 03:52 PM   #3
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ

Each day cycle ALL villagers MUST cast a vote to lynch one player. That player will be lynched and, searched, for a key. When a key is found whoever cast the first successful lynch vote must open the corresponding lock. If they successfully open the lock that player will be immune from the next days lynch vote for their bravery. If they don’t successfully open the lock the next days lynch vote will be the least of their concerns.

Each night cycle the assistants will attempt to kill one of the prisoners in order to achieve a 1:1 ratio. Since it is an abandoned apartment building you all think it’s best to spend each night in a separate apartment to make the assistants job harder.

As always there is no quoting of PM’s and no editing of posts. Since this is my first game I hope all goes well, any questions feel free to post or PM me.

In case of a tie there will be no lynch that day.

Victory Conditions-

Prisoners: Find both correct keys that open the doors and release yourself to freedom while killing the assistants in the process

Assistants: Kill enough prisoners to achieve a 1:1 ratio thus being released by the mastermind.

Game Schedule:

The game will consist of 2 game periods. The Daytime period which will run from 9:00am EST until the deadline of 9:00pm EST each night between Monday and Friday. The Nighttime period will run from 9:00pm EST until the deadline of 9:00am EST each night between Monday and Friday. The weekend schedule will be stated at the time based on popular choice.


Prisoners: You have been bought here against your will and must find the correct keys before the assistants eliminate you.

Assistants: You are the assistant to an evil mastermind who plays games using human pawns. You thought you were getting a front row seat to his latest masterpiece but found yourself playing for your life.

Bodybuilder: Once per night you may guard another players room. If you successfully block a kill you have a 30% chance of discovering the attacker. You may not guard the same person twice in a row.

Retired Detective: Each night you may select a person to spy on. If you select assistant up to no good you have a 75% chance of discovering their identify but they have a 25% chance of discovering your identity and springing a booby trap on you.

Fasttalker: Once per game you have the ability to either

1. Talk your way out of a lynch. The person who has the second most votes will be lynched instead.

2. Choose someone else to unlock the door, the person you have chosen will gain immunity if the lock opens successfully.


Last edited by Lathum : 10-16-2006 at 08:05 PM.
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