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Old 09-30-2006, 08:13 AM   #42
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Originally Posted by Peregrine View Post
Here are the full rules for people to peruse. There are a lot of variants with special roles and additional rules but this is the basic version for us to try.


Werewolf is a game of accusation, deduction, lying, reverse psychology and bandwagoning. Moreover, it's a lot of fun.

The rules are pretty simple: The players represent a village and each member of the village has a role which is kept secret. Most players are ordinary villagers but two or more are werewolves and one is a seer, there are some other roles which are explained later. The goal of the villagers is to eliminate all of the werewolves. The goal of the werewolves is to achieve 1:1 parity with the villagers at which time they can openly rise up and overwhelm the villagers thus winning the game.

The game consists of two different phases: Night and Day. The game begins with a Night phase.

In a night phase the moderator will ask the werewolves to choose a villager to “eat” and also ask the seer to choose one player to “view”. The werewolves should decide amongst themselves using the board's PM(private message) function who their victim will be and inform the moderator of their choice. The seer should decide who his target will be and inform the moderator of his choice.

The werewolves' victim is dead and is removed from the game, but the rest of the village won't find out until daytime who the victim is and what their secret role was.

The seer's target has his role (villager or werewolf) revealed to the seer only.

During the daytime the villagers all wake up and find that one of their own has been killed by the werewolves. At this point at least one player is a werewolf and so someone is gonna get lynched.

During this phase all players, including werewolves who have assumed villager form, must discuss their suspicions. Eventually it will reach a point where villagers start to cast votes for who they feel is a werewolf and must be lynched. Votes are cast by placing bold text in a post like this VOTE PLAYER A. At the end of the day (which is defined as 8:00 pm board time) the player who received the most votes is lynched and is removed from the game. That player’s role will be revealed to the village.

When the lynching is done all the villagers go back to their homes to sleep and the next night begins.

In case it's not clear: The villagers win if they kill all of the werewolves. The werewolves win if they kill enough villagers so that their numbers are equal. At this point the werewolves can openly rise up and slaughter the rest of the villagers.

Special Roles

Roles will be assigned randomly; the Moderator will inform you of your role via PM when we start the game. The following is a description of the roles in the game.

Seer – There is one Seer in the game and he is on the villagers team. Each night the Seer may choose one other player to “view” by sending a PM to the moderator with that player’s name. The moderator will tell the Seer whether his chosen target is a werewolf or a human.

Werewolf – There are two werewolves in the game. The werewolves know who each other are and may send PM’s between themselves to discuss strategy. At night the wolves PM the moderator the name of the player they’d like to eat. In the morning that player’s death will be announced along with his special role

Hunter – There is one Hunter in the game and he is on the villagers team. If at the end of the game the Hunter is alone with one wolf then he will kill that wolf and what would normally have been a wolf win will be a village win.

Sorcerer – There is one sorcerer in the game and he is on the wolves team. The Sorcerer is an evil human and wants the wolves to win. If the wolves do win then the Sorcerer wins also, but if the villagers win then the Sorcerer loses. However, the Sorcerer does not know who the wolves are and the wolves do not know the Sorcerer. Crucially, the Sorcerer will appear as a simple human if viewed by the Seer

Villagers – There are four to six regular villagers in the game. The villagers have no special abilities other than their own deductive ability. They will have to vote wisely to win the game.

1) Only the wolves may PM’s between themselves. All other players may not send PM’s (unless to the Moderator as called for by your role or to ask a question)

2) If there is a tie in the lynch vote then the player with the longest held continuous vote against him will be lynched.

If you have any questions please ask.
Bumped and quoted for people's convienance.
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