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Old 05-10-2003, 04:49 PM   #21
General Manager
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Satellite of Love
I think she did much more harm to herself by sueing that sharing the award.

She's already decided to go to Harvard. So college isn't an argument. And as NevStar said, she still puts valedictorian on her future applications if she shares it or not.

Now, the students don't like it, parents don't like it. She's not going to get received well at graduation when she makes her speach, IF she does. Everyone at Harvard is going to know she was the one that had to sue to me named sole valedictorian. (Note: one of the guy swho would have been named co-valedictorian is also going to Harvard).

She's going to put herself through all this grief and embarrisment...just so that she didn't have to share valedictorian honors.
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