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Old 05-10-2003, 11:30 AM   #7
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Edmond, OK
Yeah, this has been an interesting few days for me. On Thursday, my wife and I were on I-35 driving to Moore to look at a house when the tornado hit. We turned around just in time, headed back to Edmond and found out soon after we got home that the tornado hit exactly where we would have been. Thank goodness I turned on the radio because the sky didn't look too bad at the time. Turns out the house we were looking at was still there although some very near it were not. I think that experience soured my wife on moving to Moore.

Last night we were home which of course means this tornado would come towards us in Edmond. Luckily once again, it just missed us, touching down a bit south of us and moving pretty rapidly east.

I've lived in Oklahoma all of my life and had my high school completely destroyed by a tornado back in 1989. These last couple of days, though, have been quite unique to say the least.
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