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Old 05-09-2003, 11:36 PM   #9
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally posted by sony
It was more of a 3.78.

On a serious note, Vick ran something like a 4.5 at the scouting combine. Deion probably ran a sub 4.3-4.4.

Former Tennessee Vols WR and current Saints Donte Stallworth ran an amazing 4.23 a the scouting combine coming out of college. This was authentic.

Another person who was tagged of 4.2 speed is RB Michael Bennet of the Vikings. Dennis Green really claims this guy runs a 4.2. He also claims Randy Moss runs a 4.2.

Who knows?

I'm pretty sure that Stallworth ran his 4.18-4.23 at an individual workout instead of the scouting combine. Deion reportedly ran a 4.1-4.-2 while wearing shoulder pads. And as for Bennett, the guy is an olympic class sprinter, and with watching him play I'd be inclinded to believe he has run that fast. As for Moss, he's a physical freak who can flat out fly and his coaches said he ran 4.1 level 40 when he arrived at marsharl, which means around a 4.2-4.3 most likely.
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