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Old 05-09-2003, 05:30 PM   #1
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
Question A very weird question...

MODS: If this is not allowed, I am very sorry! Please just erase and I won't mention it again...

Now to my question.

I have a small glass container I keep my "stuff" in. It became dry so I put some water in it. Well this is very good stuff and after doing that I noticed that the white crystals on it had gotten bigger. I smoked it and it tasted funny and was very tough to get going because it was very wet. Well a friend came over and he had the same stuff, except not wet, and said it was mold not crystals. That obviously sucked, but I didn't notice anything different until 6 hours later when my arms went numb. Similiar to the feeling you get when it falls asleep and it lasted for 2 days. I am better now, but am wondering, is there anyway to get the mold off of it, and if the mold had anything to do with my arms going numb or was it my imagination?
I had something.

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