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Old 05-09-2003, 03:21 PM   #15
Join Date: Oct 2000
Wow. I'm giving him another year before determining wheather or not I'll keep him on as my fantasy quarterback and the Vikings are giving him 100 million?

Having said all of that. . . I'm not sure I'd call it the worst ever or even THAT far out of line. Culpepper has been a starter in the league for 3 seasons. Go look up your favorite QB's first three seasons and compare the statistics of him vs. Culpepper.

Career completion rate of 62%+, all three years his yards per pass attempt number has been above 7. He needs to learn to hold onto the football. He needs to become a bit more of a team leader (though he did show some signs of that as last year progressed). Still, there are signs there that he could explode into one of the best QB's in the league. What happens if he does that this year and he hits the market next year?

Besides, from what I hear about the deal, only 16 million is going into Daunte's hands for sure. A lot of that 100 million is backlogged. He'll be a proven superstar by the time he's getting the big money, or he'll be a backup somewhere else after having been released.

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