Thread: 4-3 vs. 3-4
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Old 05-09-2003, 07:19 AM   #23
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Maryland
Originally posted by condors
the buddy ryan "46" defense got its name because the saftey who was #46 (in chicago plank?) would come right up to the line sometimes even between the 2 defensive tackles, in philadelphia it was uncommon to see 9 guys in the box and 2 corners right on the line unforturnatly at the time izel "toast" jenkins was one of the corners(although he was good vs the run). Wes Hopkins and Andre Waters would be like having 2 extra linebackers in the box we went years without a runningback getting 100 yards against us vs some good running backs. The problem is west coast type of offense mostly although if the qb tried to hold the ball for any length of time jerome brown, reggie white or clyde simmons would be right there to drive them into the turf.

I miss that team

Eek, Izell Jenkins....yes, that defense could be burned. BTW, you forgot to mention Roynell Young (they call me the ruler...I'm the one that's cooler than cooler).

Unfortunately that team never had any running backs or O-linemen
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