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Old 05-08-2003, 09:38 PM   #43
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC
Heh....comments galore..

1. Bucc: Without letting her read this thread, I asked her what the average UNC student's view of the Duke student body was. She responded (and this is pretty much a direct quote): "They had a huge population of Yankees and Asians, most of whom were pretty much non-socially-adept nerds. They all thought they were sooooo much smarter and better than us in general."

2. Jon, from what I can tell, Tri-Delt was one of, (if not the), most presitigious sororities there at the time (wy wife was a freakin' state deb....Ross Perot's daughter was a sorority sister of hers...etc etc etc). As I said though, she is definitely NOT the vapid, clueless type portrayed in the SNL skit. She's very intelligent. She WAS, however, a big part of the high society social scene in college days. Her life has changed tremendously since then, chiefly due to her beginning a journey with Christ since then.

3. Jen's view of NC State is much more like Buc's than Radii's--made up mostly of in-state folks who couldn't get into Chapel Hill. She said that "NC State was filled with middle class-to-wealthy kids who weren't too bright, so they couldn't get into Chapel Hill, but wouldn't 'lower themselves' to go to UNC-Greensboro or UNC-Wilmington."
The media don't understand the kinds of problems and pressures 54 million come wit'!
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