Thread: UAE
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Old 05-08-2003, 08:51 PM   #36
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
I have a good friend with whom I went to law school at UNC-CH. She is very bright and very well educated, but very poorly travelled. She grew up in Ashville and went to HS there. She went to UNC undergrad because it was a great school and super cheap in-state. She went to UNC law for the same reason. Her whole family still lived in state, so by the time I met her in law school, she had almost never left N.C..

When I asked her about her lack of globetrotting, she pointed out that she never had a good reason to leave. The state is beautiful, the weather is great, the people are friendly, and the schools are good and cheap. If there are enough people out there like her, I can see how people from UNC can have the reputation as sheltered. As far as Dook and State go--Chapel Hill is better and more fun than Durham or Raleigh, so again--why would you leave to go mingle with the other students?

In a way, it makes me jealous. As much as I love my home state (Louisiana), I had to leave it to take advantage of the opportunities of which I wanted to take advantage.
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