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Old 08-29-2006, 08:46 PM   #377
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by saldana
am i missing something, where does it say he can put 2 in?
2 posts he made in a row
Originally Posted by path12
I am here to faithfully serve the Emperor.

Let's kick the discussion off. Who needs protecting most? I have a two person high security cell for use at night.

Offhand I believe st cronin is the only one who knows the entire procedure for keeping the Emperor alive and it seems to me would be a prime candidate for security. I have to go through the roles again but want to get anybody elses thoughts about protection and who most needs it.

Originally Posted by path12
One caveat upon rereading the role. It may be the case that the two in the cell can interact with each other, so obviously caution will be needed. Do we know if mutants can convert? If not, then we would only have to worry about putting Chaos in the cell with non-Chaos.
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