Thread: ZFL Offseason
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Old 05-08-2003, 09:03 AM   #24
Team Chaplain
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Just outside Des Moines, IA
Mark Schlereth's pre-season predictions
Mike and Mike have made their picks, and they're both full of it. So here's the skinny on how "Stinky" sees the season really breaking down:

Chicago Eagles: 8-1 "I'll give them a loss, but they're still the defending champs, and until somebody demonstrates the defense is over the hill, nobody can go over the Eagles."

Portland Sea Biscuits: 8-1 "You can't overlook how well this team has filled its holes. The running game is going to be spectacular, and the defense is now exceptionally solid."

San Antonio Margaritas: 7-2 "I think the team slips a bit this year. They're a bit older, and until I see Handoff King throw a ball more than 20 yards, I just can't pick them to win it all."

Knoxville Rednecks: 6-3 "I was tempted to take them over the Margaritas, but I held back because 'Thumbless' Bo Jackson is still a rookie. But if he plays up to speed, even Chicago and Portland will be looking over their shoulder."

Albuquerque Isotopes: 5-4 "Kid Gruesome should have a fine year, and I tell you, I like this team, but there's something not quite right about them. I don't think they're on par with the teams above them."

Milwaukee Muscle Men: 5-4 "Yes, they are going to be that much better. Too bad their defense is still shaky."

Birmingham Olympians: 3-6 "Y'know, they just don't excite me that much. Not like the other teams do. I'll have to see something more to make me a believer. QB Zeus is just dreadful."

Fargo Fighting Crawfish: 2-7 "Perhaps I'm being too harsh on the Crawfish. There is some talent there, it's just scattered and devoid of true star power. Give these guys some playmakers and it might be a different story."

Little Rock Slick Willies: 2-7 "As Hotep and Oi said, 'It's your own grave you'll dig, boy; you're playing with the big boys now.' The woeful willie defense might give up over 40 points a game against the pumped up ZFL, and that just doesn't translate to victories."

L.A. Stars: 1-8 "The defense is coming along, but they have no position players. No talent adds up to no wins."
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Last edited by revrew : 05-08-2003 at 10:51 AM.
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