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Old 08-07-2006, 01:59 PM   #190
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by MIJB#19
Do you also think that simply because Barry Bonds was using 'stuff' to hit homeruns, that every man who hits a homerun has to be drugged? It's this kind of arguments I won't buy, and thus, I don't believe that because Landis was 'cheating' everybody racing against him was cheating. Mister Landis acted like a first class a-hole ("I will gain 10 minutes on [number two]") and that to me made him a much more suspect guy than others.
Not to speak for Quik, but in my case and I think mainly on this side of the pond, Landis testing positive doesn't mean that every cyclist is cheating -- but the fact that 48 cyclists were caught in a sting and four of the top five finishers in last year's race were barred from competiting this year is indicating that "everybody" is cheating. And by "everybody," I mean any cyclist who had a chance to win. The guy who came in last might have been clean. But it seems unlikely given how many people in cycling have been cheating that anyone could compete without cheating.

Except for Lance Armstrong. Completely clean, nothing to see here. So just leave him out of this.
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