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Old 08-07-2006, 09:36 AM   #184
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Kansas City, MO
The Floyd Landis Public Relations Spin Tour officially took off today. I'm trying to avoid waking up this morning and Mrs. kcchief19 turns on the Today show, which had Floyd and his wife on live via satellite. Five minutes later, she flips over to Good Morning America and Robin Roberts is doing the same thing. Impressive saturation.

The revisionist history going on was impressive. Floyd was blaming the ICU for leaking his positive test result, when everything I saw indicated that Phonak was the one who first revealed the test result. He also claimed that he had nothing to do with some of the explanations his camp was putting forward, specificially saying he had nothing to do with the whiskey/beer defense and dehydration/maximum effort defense. Which I guess means the "Manly" defense is pure Landis.

He also tried to explain that the carbon isotope test is a "subjective" test and is not conclusive. He also claimed that the first test that showed the 11:1 ratio showed "natural" testosterone and that it was the "subjective" carbon isotope test that showed otherwise.

I came away with the impression that either Floyd has no idea what he is talking about, that he has told so many lies that he can't keep up with them or some combination of both.
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