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Old 08-03-2006, 12:16 PM   #277
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by Desnudo
Yes, because Juve was also trying to fix matches.

But why is Moggi better at it than Berlusconi? If you're going to say Berlusconi is sneaky enough to make all evidence against Milan disappear, then given that he was the Prime Minister for a lot of the period under discussion the same level of competence ought to be enough to fix at least one season successfully.

Also, I originally said that Berlusconi's argument was 'halfway credible'. That's a fairly low standard. It's not that I entirely believe it; it's just that it's plausible enough that you really need some evidence before you declare him to be irredeemably guilty (of this particular crime, anyway).
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