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Old 08-01-2006, 05:11 PM   #173
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by kcchief19
I'm going to throw this out and see if sticks. Am I the only one who would GAIN respect for Landis in this situation if he simply come out admitted it? Doesn't need to be a press conference -- just a TV journalist of your choice. Just apologize and say, "My back was against the wall. My dream was coming to an end, I realized I didn't have anything left and I made a bad choice."

Public relations aside, to me it's just the right thing to do. But taking PR into consideration, I think the problem is that sports agents are about 15 years behind the curve in managing a PR crisis. They continue to use deny/deny/deny when it just doesn't work. You get the story out first and get it out on your terms.

See, what you say may save him in the court of public opinion, but it wipes out any prayer he has of keeping the tour win or racing again for two years.

At this point, he still has some outs. Maybe the B sample will get corrupted somehow. Maybe some other leagal issue will allow him to escape with the victory in tact.

Would I have more respect for him? Right now it wouldn't be much different than the way I currently feel. He should lose the title, be suspended and he should be slapped about 200 times for being an idiot. Down the line, as the years pass, time and his own actions could sway me to support him. If ten years down the road he's still speaking to kids about tough choices, drugs and selling your soul. . . I'll have much more respect for him.

He admits it and then goes into hiding for two decades, I won't gain much respect at all from him.
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