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Old 07-29-2006, 10:53 AM   #243
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2000
So, uhhh, Carrick and Pennant went for how much? Yikes. AND gadzooks. No wonder we can't afford any Englishmen on our club. 10 large for Mr Davies? Hey, no thanks. That said, I think Carrick is a very good player who will be in a great situation -- and I think ManU are looking better day-by-day -- and Pennant has the ability to be one. But the very idea of Pennant, Bellamy and Fowler on the same squad makes me giggle. Like a schoolgirl.

On the other hand, dagnabbit, it'd be nice to see us come up with a solid 23-25 year central defender -- seriously, I'd dig us taking a flyer on Onyewu -- who has had some first team experience so I don't have to tear my hair out with the concept of "Central Defender, Pascal Cygan". I mean, y'all cannot possibly imagine how much the concept of the Cybot wearing #6 in these friendlies gives us ulcers. Or gas. More ulcer than gas, though. Mostly.
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