Thread: ZFL Offseason
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Old 05-06-2003, 07:57 PM   #3
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
1) I think it would be neat for the 1st rounders *only* to get detailed during the offseason. Realistically, they are the most scrutinized. Make the 2nd and 3rd rounders enigmas.

2) If you want to go to the effort of making a blurb about each player, then yes. Flat grades, no. Otherwise, that starting blurb you had at the beginning of last season, updated considering the draft/training camp, is perfect.

3) Expansion is gonna be a pain unless we have bigger rosters. With no backups (basically), we're gonna have a lot of 0 rank players. Exposing say, 2 people per team to the draft would also suck for the expansion clubs, considering odds are good neither team would have enough people to go around to field a full club.
If we *were* to expand, I suggest this.

3a) Keep the undrafted players from this year in the back of your head. Throw them into the expansion draft. Have clubs expose 2 players each. There's 5 players per team from the expansion draft, plus the what...4 undrafted players per team leftover from this year? 9 players total right there.

3b) In addition to the standard 3 rounds, throw all undrafted players from the NEXT draft into the expansion draft. Hopefully, that'll be enough to field close to a full team, with a couple utter suck (0 rank) players. so.

Step 1) Save undrafted players from this year for expansion draft.
Step 2) Hold rookie draft for next season.
Step 3) Have teams expose 2-3 players post rookie draft.
Step 4) Save undrafted players from NEXT draft for expansion draft.
Step 5) Hold expansion draft, consisting of exposed players, and undrafted players from the 2 drafts.

And...dont split us into conferences.
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