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Old 07-27-2006, 11:03 AM   #108
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Kansas City, MO
You do have to love instant polls and some of the logic people come to. ESPN has jumped on the bandwagon -- 66 percent say Landis is guilty -- but here's my favorite question:

Would a positive test for Landis make you any more likely to believe allegations that Lance Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs?
What does one necessarily have to do with the other? If I learn Barry Bonds used steroids, should I conclude that Babe Ruth used steroids too?

I guess there is a pretty strong correlation though -- 29.7 percent say yes to the above question, and 30.5 percent believe there is validity to the allegations against Armstrong. Once could infer that .8 percent believe Armstrong may have been doping but don't believe Landis getting caught means Armstrong was guilty. I think I have have found myself an extreme minority opinion!
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