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Old 07-23-2006, 07:29 PM   #208
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2003
Originally Posted by molson
As long as the internet has been around, people have people have been complaining about wrestling. Even at the industry's peak, the tone on the internet has always been negative. You'd think people would just watch something else. I think the WWE product has been relatively solid for a while now - coherent stories, long-term planning, a greater emphasis on wrestling than at any other time in the company's history. Go watch some tapes from the early-mid 90s, or even 2000-2001 - the current product is pretty good.

Big difference of opinion here, the stories and long term planning has been terrible. The only people who get any effort put into anything done for them is two or three guys at the top (guess who). At best, it's background noise anymore... so predictable and half-hearted.

Not exactly a coincidence that the only two factions in the last 5 years(which I always thought were a GREAT way to get some guys over) both involved one guy who didn't need any help getting over anymore - Triple H.
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