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Old 07-18-2006, 09:40 AM   #416
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
I think I officially have the coolest "I just picked up NCAA 07" story of anyone on the board...

So I finally gave up trying to resist going to pick it up at about 10:15... I drive over to the EB, and at first I'm like "man, it's packed, why so many people in Williamsburg coming to get NCAA?!"...

Then I realize..

There's a half a dozen or so William and Mary Tribe football players coming to pick up their copies of their NCAA, including the starting QB. They are also playing on the little demo machine there and joking each other about their ratings in game, being too fat or too skinny in game, etc... It was pretty freakin' cool to see the excitement of football players on a I-AA team that don't get a lot of national recognition really jazzed about seeing themselves in a football game.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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