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Old 07-11-2006, 04:56 PM   #259
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by Chubby
What should be guarded I guess is the question du jour.
An armed security chief/crewman should guard the Engine Room. This is to ensure that we can leave.

An armed security chief/crewman should guard the Water Plant. As long as we have this, we don't need extra water. Kind of a biggie.

An armed galleymaster should guard the Cargo Hold. This way it's guarded and protected.

Also, the 4th phaser should be given to the Sergeant-at-arms should be given a phaser. I think the 5th should be given to the slavemaster.

My rationale here is that we want to pass out all the phasers if we aren't guarding the security center. We don't have enough people to guard everything, and we have to prioritize. Since the good doctor has said the CW isn't a spawn, I'm not so worried about the brig (security center). I think our main priority has to be getting off-planet, where we are less vulnerable (hopefully) to spawn. It seems like we're pretty close already, so we can hopefully be off planet in a day or two.

I think everyone else should get some sleep, since we don't want everyone exhausted.

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