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Old 07-08-2006, 04:26 PM   #183
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Troy, Mo
Originally Posted by duckman
That's pretty much the basis of it. You have to have 25 targets (you can drop one each week), no more than 8 Head Coach visits, everyone gets a Head Coach visit. You can have no more than X number of players from CA, TX, or FL (those states don't count in your region) unless your school is in that particular state. It makes where you can't get too good too fast while still giving you a chance to compete for the top players in the country. I'm certainly enjoying it right now.

Edit--There is also a chart that tells you how many 5*recruits, 4*, 3*, etc. beased on your prestige.

It's amazing people come up with house rules like these for a console game. Hey EA, how fixing some of these issues instead of adding some of the goofy stuff?

I will say, I've watched all the new videos game informer online just put out and as usual every year, I'm excited. Looks like a TON of new plays to choose from.
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