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Old 10-24-2000, 08:47 AM   #17
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Natick, MA

I can't resist.

A roster import facility and a whole set of key historical rosters. Granular to the team , rather than league level, so that we could face off the 70s Steelers against the 60s Packers against the 90s 49ers. Or start with the Pack pre-Vince, the Curtain pre-Noll, etc..

A draft import facility and a whole set of historical drafts. I realize that this would take beaucoup time, and I recognize Jim's desire to control his product, but with a simple data entry tool, we could each pound in a year or two's woth of rooks.

A little more role-playing by introducing agents, players with legal problems, and a commissioner.
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