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Old 06-19-2006, 04:42 PM   #296
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by Anxiety
I thought I got the impression some roles could be combined? So, for example, an Elite Guard Brother or an Elite Guard Soothsayer may know more. Obviously, if path does know more, why not use it, but if he is just taking a shot in the dark, why take the chance?

The logic is that then when the elite guard reveals down the road and says who he guarded each night, path can confirm that the night 0 is the same as the order issued. On night 1, its a seemingly innocent way to provide a check later in the game against a fake role reveal. I doubt either path or the EG know who to guard yet, so path doing it tonight seems a fairly high gain low loss move to me.
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