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Old 06-13-2006, 01:21 AM   #11
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
An uneasy quiet

December 1902 sees all sides back in court at the behest of the National Leagues attornies. At issue is the roster raiding, which all sides fear will soon spiral out of control. To combat this the National Leagues attempts to reinstitute the reserve clause, a proposal that promptly come under heavy fire from both the PCL and the American League. The new Judge, a graying firebrand named Kenesaw Mountain Landis is brought to rage by the bickering. He strikes down the request for the reserve clause, then goes on to reprimand all sides for the subterfuge regarding contracts.

Judge Landis rules that any party attempting to sign a player already under valid contract will be subject to an automatic fine of up to $50,000.00 and mandatory Jail time of 30 Days. He then goes on to state that when a Player is no longer under contract, he shall be fair game for any and all prospective employers, free to negotiate as the Player sees fit. John T brush cries out that this ruling is tantamount to blasphemy, that players were in escence then free to serve as their own agent, and that the rights of the employing club are non-existant. Landis angrily pounds his Gavel and threaten to hold Brush in contempt.....Landis stares squarely at the Giants owner "You Mr. Brush are correct...these Players will have the rights that exist for any gainfully employed Citizen of these United States, once they have satisfied the terms of their contract in good faith" He continues "And since you are so eloquent in your rebuttals I hearby decree that the time period occuring after the expiration of the players contract, shall be agency!"

Most owners are furious, but dare not incur the wrath of the sullen Judge. Landis addresses a second injunction brought by the National League regarding integration of the game......Landis rules that, while Owners can not be forced to hire an individual of any background, they are also forbidden from excluding anyone for that reason. "The game is for all of America" snarls the Judge, "Therefore all of America shall be entitled to play at the professional level!"

DW Griffith, always with a monetary agenda approaches Judge Landis and submits that all professional Leagues should also have their Champions meet in a post Season playoff winner takes all receipts......Not surprised at Griffith's greedy curveball, yet unprepared to respond, both sides attornies request a recess to prepare a proper response to this request, which was not on the original docket.

Pulliam, Johnson and their attornies now seclude themselves....and when they return a scant two hours later they have a contract to submit to the Judge. Pulliam starts..."Your honor, Mr. Johnson and myself, acting on the power and proxy bestowed upon us by our respective owners....present this contract."

The contract outlines a working agreement between the American and National Leagues, agreeing to abide by todays decisions, to meet and have bylaws in place prior to March 1st, 1903.....To operate and exist as a sole professional entity including both Leagues under the banner of the "Universal Baseball Association" One of the proposals up for discussion prior to this deadline is a fomalization of an organized, governed and reoccuring post-Season meeting of the League Champions of the members under this agreement I.E. the American and National Leagues...........Now Griffith has been cruved and left in the lerch...yet despite his objections, and objections of several owners on both sides that last well into the evening, Judge Landis finally and firmly ratifies the agreement between the two Leagues. And with that.....The World Series is born.
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