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Old 06-12-2006, 04:29 AM   #302
Pro Starter
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Willow Glen, CA
So what channel is the US match on tomorrow? Now that my dad's out of the Hospital, I'll actually get to watch a match or three...just in time to see the US play their first match. I caught the end of the Sweden - T&T match, and it was amazing to watch. Swedes had a pair of amazingly close shots in the closing minutes that hit the post.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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