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Old 06-02-2006, 01:00 PM   #466
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Troy, Mo
Originally Posted by Marc Duffy
Bee, take a look at

"The first patch will be released on Wednesday 7th June 2006. This should tackle the majority of minor issues (and some major ones)

A second patch will be released (no timeframe yet) which should hopefully address the remaining stuff. "

I know the support forums on the OOTP site are busy but we're logging it all (it's a mixture of game issues, feature requests and cosmetics). No matter how small we want it in there.

Markus is very good at fixing bugs raised in the bug software so I'm confident of Patch 1 doing the above and I'm also confident that in patch 2 we can address some of these more major (long running) issues. I'll update everyone over the coming days as stuff gets fixed

I will say this, the support does seem to be top notch from SI.

I would *really* love for a way to convert my 6.5 career into 2006 and have all those reports to look at. I know the conversion is too complex for that, but one can dream.

For now I'll continue to follow the threads as it does look like the game has some excellent potential - via Troy's reports.
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